
Emagic waveburner pro mastering software download
Emagic waveburner pro mastering software download



Compatible with both Mac and PC computers, AW2 is a 7‑inch PCI card, and unlike the existing Audiowerk8 card (reviewed in SOS July 1997) has analogue and digital outputs that can be independently addressed from Logic Audio. The Audiowerk2 card forms the heart of the Production Kit, and also functions as the 'dongle' or copy protection key for the software, so there's no worry about key‑disk installs or external dongles. Though it ran a little slow on some of the computers around at that time, it performs much more quickly on newer Power Mac machines and can now handle 24‑bit as well as 16‑bit files (See the ZAP box for more details.)

emagic waveburner pro mastering software download

ZAP, Emagic's audio file compression utility, was covered in SOS when it first appeared on the market (see the February 1997 issue). PC users do rather well on the sequencing front, their version offering up to 16 tracks of audio and the ability to use DirectX plug‑ins, as well as pretty much all the advanced features found in Logic Audio Silver, including its fancy sync options. After all, any audible latency is unacceptable for musical applications.

emagic waveburner pro mastering software download

My own preference is to forgo the luxury of monitoring via software effects and use a conventional mixer to monitor the input being recorded. However, trying to work with too small a buffer size in an attempt to reduce latency can lead to glitches in the audio, though there's a monitoring speed setting you can adjust too. There will be some latency when monitoring through the computer during recording and, as ever, the longer the buffer size you set up, the longer the latency. All the drop‑down menus look as though they've been thoroughly shaken to rid them of unnecessary features, but there isn't much you can't do even with this entry‑level version of the program. External sync is only possible via MIDI Clock, but you still get Logic's high‑resolution timing and an adaptive mixer for both audio and MIDI tracks. Suffice it to say that the Mac version in the package offers 12 audio tracks with reverb and delay DSP effects and 3‑band EQ. Logic has been pretty well covered in its various guises in these pages, and a review of version 4.0 is due in the near future, so I don't intend to dwell on the Logic component of the Production Kit in this review. Mac owners buying the Production Kit get Emagic's new Waveburner CD‑mastering software. To help make amends, the bundled PC version of Logic Audio is rather more elaborate than the Mac version (which is effectively Logic Micro), being closer in specification to Logic Audio Silver.

emagic waveburner pro mastering software download

Where's the catch? There is one if you happen to be working with a PC, because although the Production Kit is available for both Macs and PCs, the CD‑burning software isn't included in the PC version.

emagic waveburner pro mastering software download

I had to do a double take when I saw the price of Emagic's Audiowerk2 Production Kit, because it comprises a soundcard with both analogue and digital I/O, a version of Emagic's Logic MIDI + Audio sequencer, a CD‑mastering program providing PQ encoding and CD text support, and a copy of their ZAP lossless audio‑compression software. Paul White finds out whether they've delivered the goods.


Emagic's new baby is a bargain cross‑platform hardware and software bundle which includes a useful new CD‑mastering package for Mac users.

Emagic waveburner pro mastering software download